
Trends and current events in the audio market

New rules of the game

Some of the major platforms (Audible, Spotify), that were not participating in this business model until now, have launched hybrid models or limited subscriptions to accommodate more audiobook catalogues.

Spotify backs the audiobook

The leading streaming platform has created a limited hourly subscription plan in five English-speaking countries and has reached an agreement with PRH to give its users access to some of its audiobooks.

Main growth opportunity: United States

The range offered by the major publishing groups, as well as the launch of hybrid and limited subscription models, have made the United States market the most promising in terms of audiobook revenue growth.

Independents launch themselves into audio

In 2023, some medium and small publishers consolidated their audio catalogues (Anagrama) and others (Libros del Asteroide, De Conatus, Almadía, Obelisco, Trotalibros, Sirio etc.) rolled out this format, with the financial and technical support of Bookwire and its WAY ("We Audiobook You") programme.

Literary narrative works in audio

In the last year, productions by Almadía, De Conatus, Blatt & Ríos, Gedisa, Fondo de Cultura Económica de México…

Reached many more readers, who put text and production quality first when choosing their next audiobook.

The key to success: simultaneous launch

Multi-format same-day launch achieves revenue growth in all three formats: print, ebook and audiobook.

Publishers already schedule the publication of their titles with this strategy, and launch them in all formats in order to optimise their revenues.

The market needs a boost

The publishing industry is waiting for publicly backed funding schemes to materialise in order to guarantee a variety of content, especially those involving high costs in a market that has not yet fully matured.

What will happen to TTS technology?

More and more Text-to-Speech focused players and software are emerging, offering high quality standards. However, the major audio platforms show resistance to adopting this technology and no change is in sight in the short term, hindering the growth of this form of production.

Off-platform is here

Publishers are reclaiming the licensed rights to audiobook productions, and in many cases, are distributing the files across multiple channels, rather than limiting them to a single platform.

This secures them a new commercial life, greater profitability and, in view of Spotify's forthcoming arrival in Spanish-speaking markets, they retain full control of their catalogue in order to negotiate with the platform.

Bookwire, an international leader in audio distribution and production

From its office in Barcelona, it manages and distributes productions in European and Latin American Spanish, Catalan, French, Italian, English, Portuguese, German, etc.

Publishers benefit from Bookwire's commercial, technical and creative advice to produce their audio catalogue to the highest quality standards..